Management of the Company

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  • The business of the company is governed by the Memorandum and Articles of Association (MAA), 2003 version. And other policy documents (Manuals, Business Plan,etc).
  • The departments of Technical Services (Engineering) and administration and finance (Administration) play an important role in K.I.L as a company because they are responsible for strategic decisions of the company.
  • The Administration department oversees the administration and finance matters of the company. It is responsible for the budgets, work plans and financial reports as well as giving direction and controlling internal systems. It supervises the personnel in finance, accounts, sales, marketing/investment sections on top of giving support to the technical services department. This department is under supervision of the Managing Director.
  • The Technical Services department is headed by an Electrical Engineer who provides professional leadership to the department and the company and advises the company on all technical issues. The department is responsible for maintaining the company’s electricity network (transmission and distribution), construction of Low Voltage (LV) extensions, and approval of power installations, recruitment and training of technical personnel, research on new technical ventures like the development of PV solar systems.
  • Other departments playing supportive roles are the Legal Department and the Marketing and Procurement departments responsible for sale and procurement.
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1 ERA Kampala Authority mandated by Government of Uganda to Regulate the conduct of players in the Electricity Industry in Uganda.
  • Sets and reviews tariffs.
  • Regulates conducts of service providers
 2 REA  Kampala  Government agency mandated to manage and fund rural electrification programs of the country.
  •  Funds the projects
  • Gives advice on rural electrification programs.
 3  UETCL  Kampala  Bulk supplier and Government authority responsible for Bulk tariff in Uganda.
  •  Supplies electricity in bulk to K.I.L
  • Bills K.I.L for energy so supplied at the Delivery points.
4 MoE  Kampala  Government Department responsible for policy development and management of the energy industry in Uganda. Provides enabling environment for smooth operation of the electricity industry.
5 KDLG(KDPRP/BTC)  Kasese Government authority in the concession which also finances the project under PPA framework. Supports the programs by co-financing and mobilizing the communities under the PPA of 20/6/2006.
 6 UMEME Kampala Lease transmission lines. Interface with K.I.L at some delivery points
7 S/Cs  Kasese & Rubirizi  Initiate Community Project; Mobilize people and funds for co-funding. Help identify beneficiaries for connections and fundraise for co-funding