Upon the foundation of our vision, mission statements and core values above stated; and with an eagle’s eye on the rural communities, KIL has caused remarkable impact on the local economic development in the rural areas of Western Uganda. The funding by the Government of Uganda through Rural Electrification Programme has led KIL to operate 282km of Medium Voltage (MV) and 584km of Low Voltage (LV) lines with now 20,012 direct connections indirectly serving a population of over 1.5million people in households, businesses and institutions.
KIL is greatful to the Government of the Republic of Uganda for the support towards the Energy sector to which we belong that through the powerline extensions and connections; many trading Centers have emerged with cottage industries in milling, food processing, welding, coffee hurling and several artisan metal works; many health facilities, schools/colleges, public and religious institutions, and other social amenities leading to an economically empowered community(s) with the productive use of electricity and promotion of access to cleaner energy.