Consumer Protection Guidelines

KIL’S CONSUMER PROTECTION GUIDELINE outlines how the Company ensures protection of its customers from any form of harm to human health through the use of electricity supplied by KIL and related electronic gadgets and also enhance consumers’ interest through information, education, and enforcement of the rights of consumers.
In a nutshell, it provides speedy redress to consumer complaints and petition arisen from fraud, unfair practice and exploitation of consumer.


  • Kilembe Investments limited allows customers to make complaints in various means including-filling complaints forms at any of KIL OFFICES, making a phone call, sending an SMS, Watsapp, face book, among others.
  • Once the complaint is made, its recorded and forwarded to head of department who then assigns a particular staff to resolve and a feed back is brought back by the Technician that a complaint has been resolved  or not.
  • If unresolved, the technician informs the complainant the problem why its unresolved and then the Head of Department devices means of providing the solution. If it needs replacing the faulty meter, it’s then done at free of charge.
  • If the complainant is still dissatisfied beyond KIL standards, he/she is informed or referred to the regulator and other stakeholders like the Rural Electrification Agency.
  • KIL explains why the complaint can’t be handled and an apology is offered with respect.
    Upon receipt of the complaint, KIL records it with the date, name, contact, residence, meter number, summary of the complaint and desired action measure to be taken, then forwarded to head of department who assigns someone handle upon resolving the complaint.
  • KIL Staff receiving the complaint informs the complainant the proceeding step to be taken about the laid complaint and time it is going to take to resolve the complaint.


As a way of protecting our customers, Kilembe Investments Limited informs her esteemed customers of their rights and obligations-viz:

  1. Access electricity of good quality.
  2. Receive an itemized bill at least once in three months, indicating the units consumed, service charges and other charges.
  3. Timely receipt of bills.
  4. Raise a complaint concerning their bill, meter, etc.
  5. Have accurate meters installed at their premises for the billing of all electricity consumed.
  6. Receive information concerning power outages or other power supply interruptions that might affect them.
  7. Complain to ERA if their electricity complaint is not resolved by their distribution company.
Obligations of Electricity Consumers
  1. A consumer (user) of electricity has an obligation to:
  2. Promptly pay for the electricity that they use.
  3. Use ERA-certified wiremen for installing electricity at their homes or premises.
  4. Use electricity safely in order to avoid accidents or death.
  5. Report broken wires, spoilt transformers, loose connections and other dangerous items/situations to the distribution company.
  6. Report cases of power theft to the distribution company.


On premise installation KIL sensitizes her customers to install their houses using licensed wiremen with valid ERA permits.


On inspection the work performed by the wireman, KIL’s Inspector will inspect and after the connections team will connect installations which have been wired by persons with a valid Installation Permit


The Client Service Charter for Kilembe Investments Limited has been instituted setting out the minimum standards of service excellence that stakeholders can expect to receive from KIL when an enquiry or complaint is made.


KIL has provided her consumers with easy-to-use payment mechanisms and implement security measures that are commensurate with payment-related risks, including those resulting from unauthorized access or use of personal data, fraud and identity theft. Foristence all cash payments are made at all KIL Offices and receipt is issued by the cashier/sales agent.


The developed internal complaints handling mechanisms enables consumers to informally resolve their complaints directly with KIL, at the earliest possible stage, without charge.


KIL provides redress to consumers for the harm that they suffer as a consequence of goods or services which, for example, are defective, damage their devices, do not meet advertised quality criteria or where there have been delivery problems.


KIL makes customer information publicized on her notice board, external notice boards, Local radio stations, stakeholder’s magazines, newspapers, community sensitization meetings and also on social media (Watsapp, face book, twitter, among others).


On a monthly, quarterly and annually basis, KIL forwards reports on complaints handling, consumer protection, customer services agreements, and customer services charter and on quality of service and on finance and technical performances.